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Configuration: Single H-Bridge
Applications: PM DC, Servo, Stepper
Current (continuous): 3 amps
Current (peak): 6 amps
Voltage (max): 60V
Short circuit protection: Yes
Built-in chopper current limitation: Yes, 4-bit linear DAC
Interface: Parallel
Datasheet: LMD18245
Thanks to its voltage and current capability, the LMD18245 is suitable for driving small PMDC servo motors or a medium size stepper motor winding. It incorporates a unique lossless current sense output. This chip also includes a 4-bit linear DAC to generate a reference voltage for the internal chopper circuit. When used in pairs, these chips can run a stepper motor at up to 8 microsteps per full step with reasonable accuracy. The LMD18200 is a similar IC that lacks the DAC and chopper circuit.