Infineon TLE5205 and TLE5206 Motor control IC Review

Configuration: Single H-Bridge
Applications: PM DC
Current (continuous): 5 amps
Current (peak): 6 amps
Voltage (max): 40V
Short circuit protection: Yes
Built-in chopper current limitation: No
Control Interface: Parallel
Datasheet: TLE5205 TLE5206

The TLE5205/6 is a simple and robust looking driver chip with only 7 pins and minimal external components required.  The main drawback is that the drivers have a rather long turn-on delay and switching time (in the tens of microseconds.)  This makes it unsuitable for chopper current regulation and PWM operation at typical frequencies.  However, it should work well for on-off control in applications such as electric car windows or linear actuators

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The only difference between the TLE5205 and TEL5206 is the control logic truth table.  The 5206 maps each of the two input pins directly to one of the output pins.  Each half-bridge output is either sourcing of sinking depending on the high or low state of its corresponding input pin.  This permits only forward, reverse and dynamic braking.  The 5205, on the other hand, has a different truth table that allows for the addition of an all-outputs-off coast mode.